Alexandra Schmedes
Alexandra Schmedes acquired the Bodegas Ercavio winery in 1999 together with two winemaker friends and renovated it. A few years later, they bought some land in Cabañas de Yepes and built a new winery, where excellent organic wines have been produced, bottled and stored ever since. Alexandrea and her fellow oenologists, Margarita Madrigal and Gonzalo Rodriguez, began working as consultants in 1998, supporting bodegas all over Spain. Together, they have amassed years of experience in wineries throughout the world: Spain (Rioja and Ribera del Duero), South Africa, Germany, France and Italy. By 2007, they were ready to launch their modern winery in Cabañas de Yepes. The continental climate of this region, with warm summers and cold, dry winters, creates the ideal conditions for optimal grape ripening. Alexandra wants to get the best out of the local grape varieties, resulting in high quality, premium wines.